Home » Easy Ways to Go Green Without Sacrificing Your Happiness

Easy Ways to Go Green Without Sacrificing Your Happiness

Get inspired by ways to live a joyful and fulfilled life while developing healthier habits by going green.

A woman living a green lifestyle

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You can go green without saying goodbye to your favorite indulgences, though. Instead, commit to adopting good habits that promote sustainability daily. The more you get into sustainable practices, the more energy you’ll feel!

This post is about going green and living a happy and fulfilled life.

tips to go green

How to Go Green and Live Well

Sustainable living is simply living in a way that preserves natural resources and limits your impact on our environment.

There are many ways to go green, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Switching out one or two light bulbs could save energy and reduce your carbon footprint, but it won’t make much of an impact over time.

You need to develop good habits if you want to go green and stay happy. Here are five tips that can help.

how to find joy and fulfillment while going green

Go Green and Happily Stick to It

There’s no denying that living an eco-friendly lifestyle isn’t always easy. Learning sustainable habits may be challenging, and at times, you might feel like returning to your old lifestyle.

It can be stressful knowing that we are potentially damaging our planet by consuming excessive fossil fuels, using harmful pesticides on our food, and pumping out carbon dioxide at an alarming rate.

Many feel powerless to do anything about it, but there is hope. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down climate change.

However, you can reduce your feelings of eco-anxiety by making minor changes to your daily routine. You can also adopt new habits that will make you happy while keeping your body healthy and supporting our planet.

Go Green by Making Good Habits

Many of us know how important it is to adopt a sustainable lifestyle—it’s good for you and our planet—but finding an effective approach can be hard.

Getting some early wins will make you feel happy and proud of yourself. It will also be easier to keep these sustainable habits long-term.

Start small and work your way up to be more eco-friendly. Don’t try to overhaul everything all at once. Doing too much too soon can set you up for failure, bringing you down.

To start going green, change your habits first. For example, use reusable bags at grocery stores and refuse plastic water bottles while running errands. Shop sustainably and in season.

While these are simple changes, they can go a long way toward helping you reduce your environmental footprint and create more sustainable habits over time.

Habits are important! Change happens when your efforts become second nature. Practicing a green lifestyle is good for your health as well!

Studies on centenarians (people who live over 100 years) reveal that routines are essential to longevity. Having a routine creates a sense of purpose in our lives.

Another study on aging people in the United States shows how significant a sense of purpose is for longevity.

People who wake up every day fueled with purpose live happier, longer lives than their peers without a healthy and purpose-driven routine.

go green with these simple tips

atomic habits by james clear

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear explains how to create and stick to good habits.

a woman on a river adventure

Go Green and Stay Adventurous

It is so exciting and fun to get out there and explore new things!

Exposure to new experiences and ideas can make you happy, especially if they’re things you wouldn’t have tried otherwise.

If you want to be happier, try exploring different areas of interest or expanding your comfort zone with new hobbies and activities.

You might be surprised at how much happiness comes from doing things you enjoy in new ways.

Not only is exploring new things fun, but it inspires creativity. The planet needs more creative change-makers!

One study showed how a creative experience with art, music, travel, or another adventure has been a means of healing across all cultures. Before you get discouraged or anxious, try something new to spark your creativity.

Read Next: Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

So what better way to start a happier, sustainable lifestyle than by trying something new? Challenge yourself to pick up an activity you’ve never done before!

For example, if you’re usually a concert-going person, try going to an art gallery or theater performance instead. Break the mold, step outside the box, and shake things up!

a woman doing yoga, living a green lifestyle, and enjoying nature

Have Fun, & Relax

Going green can be tedious! But keeping a positive mindset can help you stay on track.

Here are some tips to help keep you motivated.

  1. Join a community of like-minded individuals.
  2. Teach a class on sustainable living.
  3. Do a fun project with kids on Earth Day.
  4. Upcycle something
  5. Start a hiking club
  6. Volunteer, give back, and serve your community
  7. Out with the old, in with the new! Go thrifting and donate something
  8. Spend time in nature daily (even if it is just 10 mins)
  9. Make a vision board and set fresh, new goals
  10. Aim to find a new local shop, restaurant, or farmer to support every Saturday.

Make something: a household product, soap, beeswax wraps, or DIY project

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Take time to relax and enjoy yourself. Then, add these activities into your routine regularly to help you find more happiness in life.

Sustainability is not just about creating a new habit and sticking with it; it’s also about keeping an open mind and enjoying yourself as you learn more about environmentalism. 

green recycling container and people cleaning up a park

Live in Gratitude

According to an ancient Sanskrit saying, gratitude is the fragrance that flowers diffuse in life’s garden. To live with gratitude is to become one of those people who makes their lives better by appreciating it. The more we find things to enjoy and be grateful for, the happier we are.

This post was about how to live a happier, more sustainable life. The key is learning to make small changes that stick – turning off lights when you leave a room, using reusable bags at the grocery store, and cooking at home instead of ordering takeout.

These habits become routine over time and will greatly impact your budget and carbon footprint. They’ll also save you time, stress, money, and frustration. Want more tips? I would love to hear them in the comments below!

This post was all about ways to go green while enjoying your life to the fullest.

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