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True Zero Waste Issues and Solutions

Attempting a zero-waste lifestyle has pros and cons, and it is not always easy for beginners. Here are some tips to help make reducing waste easy and attainable.

true zero waste living tips

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In a world where our environmental footprint is becoming increasingly evident, the call for sustainable living has never been louder. Zero-waste living goes beyond trendy buzzwords; it’s a conscious lifestyle that aims to minimize waste production, reduce our impact on the planet, and foster a harmonious coexistence with nature. If you’re ready to embark on a journey towards a greener tomorrow, here are some practical tips to help you embrace zero-waste living.

This post is all about what they don’t tell you about zero-waste living.

a woman practicing a true zero waste lifestyle with reusable containers and bags.

True Green Living: Tackle Zero Waste with Issues and Solutions

The idea of zero waste has been growing in popularity over the past few years, and it’s even made its way into mainstream media headlines. But what does it mean? And how can you achieve this ideal?

This article will help you start your zero-waste journey, no matter where you are today. Also, discover a surprising truth about what happens when you embark on your own zero-waste journey!

What They Don’t Tell You About Zero Waste Living

According to the EPA, zero-waste is a movement focusing on producing less trash. While many people think of it as an extreme movement, there are plenty of ways to get started without completely overhauling your lifestyle.

With most things in life, slow and steady wins over all-or-nothing thinking.

You can reduce your household trash output by 10% by swapping out your traditional cleaning products for more environmentally friendly alternatives!

And remember, small steps add up over time. In fact, each of these four steps alone could save you as much as 6 pounds of plastic from ending up in landfills every year!

While there are so many benefits to adopting a zero-waste lifestyle, it can be really discouraging and difficult to keep the focus in our society.

I recognize that the zero-waste movement isn’t sustainable for most people. Similarly, it can be considered an extreme way of living.

I am always up for a good challenge, and I am grateful to be able to embark on such a journey. This is our experience once we set our intentions to produce less waste.

true zero waste hygiene

The Little Decisions in Living Zero Waste

Every day in our lives consists of hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny decisions. These little decisions direct us on our paths and impact everything and everyone we encounter.

Have you ever noticed how days can feel so long, yet years fly by us in the blink of an eye?

Making tiny changes in our everyday decisions can be compared to that. They seem insignificant at the time, but after a while, we are surprised with a measurable change that could have only come from those adjustments.

you need to know this about true zero waste living

Shopping with the intention of zero-waste living means refusing plastic of any kind whenever possible.

Therefore, consuming fewer single-use plastics pointed my arrow toward adopting a more plant-centered diet. Since nearly every “food” product is packaged, I began to buy real food.

You know, fruits and vegetables!

My grocery shopping habits have changed for the better. Over time, I began to buy less meat. Since then, I have reduced the amount of processed foods my family and I consume. It is easier to buy healthy food.

Dairy-free and gluten-free items might not even exist outside of plastic packaging, so I stopped buying those as well.

the benefits of eating sustainable and zero waste foods

What Happens When You Eat Zero-Waste Foods?

What Happens When You Eat Real Food? Well, Let Me Tell Ya.

The real truth about low-waste grocery shopping is that we lost 6-10 pounds over the last few months without even trying!

Everyone’s health has improved, and my autoimmune symptoms have vanished!

It shouldn’t be a big surprise that we got healthier when eating real, whole foods. We weren’t trying to lose those extra pounds and didn’t pay attention to how healthy we were eating!

However, the unexpected gift of losing a few pounds and feeling better was very rewarding.

Real Consequences of Zero-Waste Living

We are eating amazing food. We are dining out better and less often. My teen’s junk food cravings have disappeared. Everyone feels better.

What is the best part? We weren’t focused on dieting or losing weight. This all happened by default of making tiny positive efforts to reduce waste daily.

More Healthy Living Tips

did you know this about zero waste living

A Few Perks of Living Zero-Waste

The best thing about working toward a challenging goal like low-waste grocery shopping is to see the payoff. It is really life-changing.

As a result of our efforts, we did not produce enough garbage to send the bin to the curb. How cool is that?!

Therefore, it is safe to assume that we make 50% less garbage just by reducing the waste produced in the kitchen. Avoiding plastic-wrapped items and choosing natural and healthy foods is the way to go.

food in reusable glass containers zero waste

Advice for Simple Zero-Waste Living

Lack of preparation, working too much, and trying to make my teen happy led to a midday trip to a fast food restaurant and a second trip to the store for additional items.

Going zero waste is not always easy. To make this practice natural, it is important to create rituals and habits.

Preparation is Everything!

When you return from the market, prepare fruits, nuts, and veggies for snacking. Doing this routinely will ensure that you always have snacks to enjoy.

If you aren’t into meal-prepping, consider making double the food for dinner for easy-to-prepare lunches for the rest of the week. This will save you from ordering out when life gets busy!

is zero waste living right for you

Customize your own Go-to Grocery List Template to plan the best ways to shop. Consider bulk ordering to reduce the number of shipments.

When ordering online, shop green and local businesses as often as possible. Find out what products are available locally. You might be missing out on some great things.

Sit down, make a list, and plan out your weekly goals. Give yourself grace for not being perfect, but keep going. Stay motivated and be the change you want to see in this world!

I hope you found some inspiration here! I would love to hear how your zero-waste journey is going. Leave a comment below!

single use plastic waste

Sticking to the Zero-Waste Habit

While zero waste is becoming a more widely used term, two versions exist.

In its general sense, it refers to an attitude or lifestyle that encourages people to reduce their negative environmental impact by minimizing their use of harmful products and engaging in anti-waste practices such as recycling, composting, and reusing materials.

The literal sense refers to achieving nothing going into landfills by 2030.

Many believe the zero-waste movement is not sustainable in the long run. Still, changing our mindset about the waste we produce has been helpful. We aim for low waste and reduce plastic as much as possible.

Don’t Forget to Reduce!

Sometimes, people get so caught up in eliminating as much waste as possible that they forget about some of their more sustainable alternatives. Alternatives like composting, for example, are very useful in diverting food and yard waste from landfills.

But even something seemingly simple can cause you to produce trash. For example, it’s important to remember that compostable bags aren’t perfect replacements for plastic or paper bags—and they can only be used once before they start breaking down and producing additional garbage.

If you go through several of these bags each week, remember that switching to reusable grocery totes might be better.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Following these steps will help you eliminate waste in your life and make you more aware of how much we actually consume daily.

It is important to go at your own pace when trying to achieve zero waste. Set small goals for yourself that you can reach and adjust from there as time goes on.

Remember, focus on improvement and not perfection. Don’t get discouraged; pat yourself on the back for doing your best!

4 Easy-Peasy Zero-Waste Swaps

  • Paper towels to reusable cotton towels
  • Plastic containers to glass or stainless steel
  • Single-serve water bottles to a refillable water bottle
  • Plastic cutlery and condiment packages to bring your silverware and sauces!

Here are More Practical Tips to Support True Zero-Waste Living

Mindful Consumption

The first step towards zero-waste living is adopting a mindful approach to consumption. Before purchasing, ask yourself whether it’s a necessity or a fleeting desire. Opt for products with minimal or compostable packaging, and consider buying in bulk to reduce packaging waste.

Reusable Alternatives

Ditch single-use items in favor of reusable alternatives. Invest in a sturdy water bottle, stainless steel or bamboo utensils, and cloth bags. These simple switches can significantly reduce your daily waste output and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

DIY and Upcycling

Get creative with do-it-yourself projects and upcycling initiatives. Instead of discarding old furniture or clothing, explore ways to repurpose them into something new. This reduces waste and adds a personal touch to your living space.


Composting is a crucial component of true zero-waste living. Set up a composting system for kitchen scraps, garden waste, and other organic materials. Composting not only diverts waste from landfills but also produces nutrient-rich soil for your plants.

Sustainable Grocery Shopping

To support sustainable agriculture, opt for local, seasonal, and organic produce. Bring your reusable produce bags and containers to the grocery store or farmers’ market. Consider joining a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program to reduce packaging waste further. Sustainable nutrition is the way to go for your best health and the planet’s health.

Mindful Decluttering

When decluttering your living space, be mindful of where your unwanted items end up. Donate usable items to charities, host a garage sale, or explore local recycling options. Avoid sending items to the landfill whenever possible. Learn more about minimalist living to boost your motivation.

Eco-friendly Cleaning

Swap out conventional cleaning products for eco-friendly alternatives. Vinegar, baking soda, and lemon are effective natural cleaners that won’t harm the environment. Consider using reusable cleaning cloths instead of disposable paper towels.

Sustainable Transportation

Reduce your carbon footprint by opting for sustainable transportation options. Walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation to minimize your reliance on personal vehicles. If feasible, consider investing in an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Making Mindful Decisions Becomes Instinctual With Practice

Embracing authentic zero-waste living is a gradual process that requires commitment and conscious choices. By incorporating these practical tips into your daily life, you can contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Remember, every small effort adds up, and collectively, we can significantly impact our planet’s health.

This post is all about what they don’t tell you about zero-waste living.

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