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12+ Signs of an Unhealthy Microbiome and How to Fix it

The human body is home to trillions of microorganisms that comprise the microbiome, mainly concentrated in the gut. This diverse community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other organisms is crucial to our overall health and well-being. However, various factors can disrupt the delicate balance of the microbiome, leading to an unhealthy state known as gut dysbiosis. In this blog post, we will explore signs indicating you may have an unhealthy microbiome and discuss the importance of gut restoration by including beneficial microbes, proper nutrition, and supplementation.

unhealthy microbiome

Microbiome Mastery: Signs of Health or Unhealth and Fixes

What does your gut microbiome say about you? More than you may think, according to the latest research in microbiology. Your gut microbiome (also known as your gut microbiota) can determine more than just how much weight you can lose or gain—it can even be the key to your overall physical and mental health and happiness.

The Connection Between Health and an Unhealthy Microbiome

Here’s what you need to know about the microbiome, how it affects your overall health, and which steps to take to improve it.

The gut microbiome is integral to your health, affecting everything from mood to weight to your immune system to even the number of neurotransmitters in your brain. (Read more about immune-boosting foods).

In addition, recent research suggests that gut health can even affect sleep habits. 

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More Signs of an Unhealthy Microbiome

The gut microbiome is a vital part of human health. In recent years, research has suggested that what goes on in our gut can directly impact things like mood, anxiety, and even our immune system.

Unhealthy gut microbiota can lead to gastrointestinal problems—including diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)—but it’s also linked to higher stress levels and depression. 

  1. You eat fried foods, meat, and dairy.
  2. You don’t get enough fiber.
  3. You are often bloated, constipated, or have diarrhea.
  4. You carry a lot of water weight (Inflammation).
  5. You have a stressful life.
  6. You have a sweet tooth.
  7. You tend to have urinary tract infections or yeast infections.
  8. You are pre-diabetic or have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
  9. You have had symptoms or have been diagnosed with one or more autoimmune disorders.
  10. You have high blood pressure.
  11. You have a hard time losing weight.
  12. Most of the time, you feel like crap. 

Tons of symptoms and diseases connect back to the health of the microbiome. However, there are things you can do to support a healthy gut and get your health back.  

You Can Fix Your Unhealthy Gut!

The quickest way to a healthier microbiome is through diet and lifestyle. Feed your gut foods that promote the growth of good microbes and limit the problematic foods. Find ways to reduce stress at home and work. Also, be sure to get good sleep.

All the above things are simple to adjust. All you need is a positive mindset and a desire to change. It may not be easy at first, but these are simple things. And you can do it!

How to Restore Your Microbiome and Promote a Healthy Microbiome

  1. Eat a variety of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables at every meal.
  2. Choose wild-caught fish and game and pasture-raised poultry.
  3. Focus on local and seasonal foods.
  4. Grow a garden with various freshest and most nutritious foods available.
  5. Try a new diet like Wahls Protocol or Pegan.
  6. An elimination diet will help you pinpoint any problematic foods.
  7. Stay motivated. Listen to Podcasts, watch YouTube, and read to learn as much as possible.
  8. Include intermittent fasting in your diet plan.
  9. Learn how to shop for healthy foods!

Avoid sugar, baked goods, salty packaged treats, and fast foods. Pseudomonas and Candida yeast thrive on sugar, and those microbes can wreak havoc when they become overpopulated. As an extra bonus, just by opting for whole fruits and vegetables, you also reduce food waste!

More Ways to Treat an Unhealthy Microbiome

Consume Fermented Foods:
Fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, and kefir contain beneficial bacteria that can help replenish the microbiome.

Consider Probiotic Supplements:
Human probiotics in the form of supplements can introduce beneficial bacteria into your gut, promoting a healthy balance.

Optimize Your Diet:
A gut dysbiosis diet focuses on whole, unprocessed foods high in fiber and low in added sugars. This encourages the growth of beneficial microbes and helps restore a healthy microbiome.

Supplement with Gut-Healing Nutrients:
Certain supplements like colon vitamins, natural gut health supplements, and specific vitamins (e.g., vitamin D and B) can support gut health and aid in restoring the microbiome. We recommend trying Pendulum Therapeutics probiotic formulas.

Minimize Antibiotic Use:
Whenever possible, explore alternative treatments or discuss with your healthcare provider the option of targeted antibiotics to minimize disruption to the microbiome.

unhealthy microbiome

How to Maintain a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Understanding the signs of an unhealthy microbiome and taking proactive steps to restore gut health is essential for overall well-being.

By paying attention to your gut and nurturing a diverse and balanced microbiome through proper nutrition, beneficial microbes, and targeted supplementation, you can support your overall health and potentially alleviate various health concerns associated with an imbalanced microbiome.

A healthy gut means a healthy body, so it’s no surprise that there are plenty of benefits to be reaped from improving our microbial makeup.

If you have already developed a chronic illness, find a doctor who uses the functional medicine approach to healthcare. They will help you find the root of your problems, and set you up on the path of recovery.

Our health depends on having a healthy balance of these microbes—we need good bugs to keep bad ones at bay!

Remember, a healthy gut lays the foundation for a healthier you.

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