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Sustainable Nutrition and What You Need to Know

Sustainable nutrition is going to change things. Read this in-depth guide to sourcing sustainable foods, its importance, and all its benefits.

what you need to know about sustainable nutrition

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With the popularity of locally grown, organic, and sustainable food, more people are asking themselves what sustainable nutrition or meals are. Knowing how your food choices affect the environment is essential because what you eat directly affects the planet. This guide will help you understand what constitutes sustainable nutrition and how to incorporate sustainable meals into your diet through what you buy and eat.

Sustainable Secrets: What You Need to Know About Nutrition

what you need to know about sustainable nutrition

What is Sustainable Nutrition?

Many people are concerned about the environmental impacts of food production and are increasingly considering how their eating habits affect the environment.

If you’re one of these people, sustainable nutrition might pique your interest—but what exactly does it mean?

Sustainable nutrition is one of the most important things you can focus on to improve your health and wellness—and contribute to a better environment.

Sustainable nutrition means eating nutritious meals and snacks that are safe, healthy, natural, and responsibly produced. Responsible eating means avoiding foods made from chemicals or harvested in ways that endanger the health of animals or humans.

When we talk about sustainable food systems, we are not just about healthy eating or a sustainable diet that you can stick to. Instead, we are talking about nourishing our bodies with healthy diets without harming the planet.

Food today has become less nutritious due to its mass production, often high sodium levels, sugar content, and processing methods. Processed foods are detrimental to both human health and the planet.

Why is Sustainable Nutrition So Important?

Sustainable food generally encompasses any food produced by environmentally friendly techniques.

Sustainable nutrition focuses on eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and other whole foods that will give your body what it needs to stay healthy without burdening our planet.

Unfortunately, the increased demand for food has resulted in substantial industrial farms nationwide. More than 90 percent of animals raised for meat are confined in cramped quarters and routinely fed antibiotics to prevent them from getting sick due to unsanitary conditions.

Conventionally raised red meat is a known contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Industrial farming practices have also made it easier for pests to survive year-round as they develop immunity to pesticides; as a result, farmers resort to using ever-increasing amounts of pesticides.

Consuming food from sustainable farms makes good nutritional sense. Sustainable food, by definition, has to be environmentally sound—free of chemicals and artificial additives, grown in fertile soil (without tilling), etc.

And eating it means you aren’t harming our environment. But sustainability doesn’t just apply to how our food gets to our plates; it also covers what we eat once it’s there.

sustainable kitchen
We found this helpful cookbook, Sustainable Kitchen for eating sustainably!

What Happens if Things Don’t Change

Today, many people eat organic or locally grown foods to avoid GMOs and get more nutritious food. But soon, people will have a new reason to buy sustainable foods: saving our planet. Suppose we continue with our unsustainable production methods.

In that case, we may face water shortages, declining soil quality, and insufficient land for future food production. This is a catastrophic reality facing the growing population.

climate induced flooding in a neighborhood

So what happens if we don’t choose sustainable foods?

Let’s look at some of these issues surrounding food production so that you can make an informed decision about what you eat and how it affects our world.

Conventional agriculture runs most of the world’s food system. We need to demand sustainably-grown produce and meats to nudge more farmers to use more sustainable methods.

The sooner we address the problems in our food systems, the better.

conventional farming with herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers

Problems with Our Current Food Systems

With an increasing number of people to feed, our current systems are becoming unsustainable. Conventional agriculture contributes mainly to climate change, and the agriculture industry is dependent upon climate.

Food production is already experiencing pressure from climate change.

  1. Seasons are becoming more unpredictable, putting pressure on many vegetable and fruit crops.
  2. Water resources have “dried-up” in parts of the world, and the chances of drought in more places are inevitable.
  3. Extreme weather is becoming the new “normal” with detrimental effects on crops and livestock.

Climate change affects the loss of biodiversity, which is necessary for the planet’s health. Such environmental pressures pose significant challenges to food production.

A recent review of several climate studies shows a consensus that future cereal crops will be severely impacted, while vegetables and legumes are even more sensitive than cereal crops.

Fewer foods will be available, which will be even less nutritious due to soil depletion and lack of essential nutrients.

This is a disaster in the making. It will not be an easy or quick change for sustainable practices to become normalized in conventional agriculture.

However, every little step we take towards sustainability makes a difference. 

source sustainable foods

How to Source Sustainable Foods

There are several ways to source sustainable foods. One way is to shop at farmers’ markets, where you can talk directly with a farmer and find out exactly how they grow produce. When you buy from farm stands and needs, you support your local community and eat in season.

Another way to find sustainable food—probably fresher—is to shop at a local grocery store or chain that focuses on buying from local suppliers. Consume mainly locally sourced foods that have been grown organically.

If you struggle to find good organic food staples at the grocery store, order these items in bulk from a co-op or store like Mulberry Lane Farms. Many good companies also list their foods on Amazon.

And when it comes to meat and fish, seek out local farms and fishermen first. Look for pasture-raised and finished meats, poultry, and eggs. If you must buy commercially produced and packaged meats, check whether companies tell you how they raise animals on your dinner plate.

It’s increasingly common for them to provide transparency about animal welfare practices on their websites or packaging; if there isn’t much information about it in stores, ask the manufacturer directly for specifics. Many of them will be happy to share!

Supply and Demand Tactics for Getting More Sustainable Foods

  • Get to know a farmer!
  • Ask where and how the food was produced
  • Local & organic foods are always more sustainable- Eat in season!
  • Start a food co-op
  • Join a community garden
  • Learn permaculture principles
  • Grow some of your food staples!
  • Get backyard chickens for eggs to sell
  • Stop buying conventional foods as often as possible!
Unsustainable Foods and Products to Avoid

Unsustainable Foods and Products to Avoid

Some foods are more sustainable than others, but when it comes to eating sustainably, some foods don’t fall into either of these categories.

The list below contains common ingredients and menu items you should avoid to ensure you’re eating sustainably and their corresponding health impacts on your body and the environment.

Ways You Can Make a Difference with Sustainable Nutrition

What does it take to practice sustainable nutrition? Now that we understand sustainable food, here are ways to practice it daily.

Whether you want to decrease your carbon footprint or eat more nutritiously, small steps you can take every day will make a big difference in your health and the planet for years to come.

Opt for Sustainable Choices

  1. Shop smarter to consume mainly locally sourced foods that have been grown organically.
  2. Eat less meat.
  3. Make fewer food orders by ordering in bulk.
  4. Eat in season.
  5. Support local organic farms, co-ops, and eco-conscious businesses like TFH + Co.
  6. Don’t spend your money with unsustainable food companies; shop these sustainable brands.
  7. Join or subscribe to a Community Supported Agriculture Group (CSA)
  8. Start a home garden or community garden!
sustainable food by michael mobbs
Learn more about sustainable nutrition in the book Sustainable Food by Michael Mobbs.

Sustainable nutrition means eating meals and snacks that are safe, healthy, natural, and responsibly produced for the health of the public, the climate, and the planet.

Conventional agriculture contributes largely to climate change. So, choosing foods that have been grown sustainably reduces your environmental impact.

If you want to make a difference, choose local organic foods as often as possible. Our organic and sustainable farmers work hard to support the community’s health; their livelihood depends on us, and good health depends on them.

This post was all about sustainable nutrition.

shop tfh and co

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